i like that you're posting regularly! keep in mind to vary the height of the camera (and thus the perspective) for some pics. you're shooting digital so take two or three from different angles and heights. if you're just out to take snapshots, then one is fine. but you should get into the habit of shooting things multiple times, multiple ways. for instance, the wrought iron fence pic might be more interesting from a lower, wider perspective that lets the length of the shadows figure in more prominantly. it's a good pic as is, but you never know. you're not wasting film so hold the camera up above your head or put it right on the ground, for instance.
i like that you're posting regularly! keep in mind to vary the height of the camera (and thus the perspective) for some pics. you're shooting digital so take two or three from different angles and heights. if you're just out to take snapshots, then one is fine. but you should get into the habit of shooting things multiple times, multiple ways. for instance, the wrought iron fence pic might be more interesting from a lower, wider perspective that lets the length of the shadows figure in more prominantly. it's a good pic as is, but you never know. you're not wasting film so hold the camera up above your head or put it right on the ground, for instance.